How to Know the Status of a Used or New Domain for Beginner Bloggers

Before you buy a domain, you should know whether or not it belongs to a second or new domain name. This is important considering you will use it for your personal blog for a long time. Ignoring this knowledge allows you to regret it at a later date if there is a problem with the domain name.

It's basically a domain name selection can be determined by some things and considerations such as keywords and easy to remember. Nevertheless you need to target after you manage the website or blog. What type of monetization you'll apply to your blog.

If you create a website to sell then a second or new domain name is not a problem. But if it turns out that you purchased the domain name for advertising purposes such as Google Adsense then make sure that the domain name is never banned by Adsense. Because custom domain names that have been banned will be difficult even if used to sign up for the Google Adsense program again.

That's why you know the status of a domain name you've found. That way you don't waste your money and energy to build a blog that's definitely failing.

How to know the status of a used or new domain name:

1. Please open the website Enter the URL address of the domain name you want to check status and click "Search "
Cara Mengetahui Status Nama Domain Bekas atau Baru bagi Blogger Pemula

3. Wait a bit so that the following display appears

Cara Mengetahui Status Nama Domain Bekas atau Baru bagi Blogger Pemula

4. Note the caption of "Domain Status". If it says "Deleted And Available Again" means the domain name is ever used, but it has been extended so that it is in the used domain category you can buy.

Cara Mengetahui Status Nama Domain Bekas atau Baru bagi Blogger Pemula

However, if "Never Registered Before" says "Domain Status" it indicates that the domain name has never been registered, so if you buy a new domain name entry.

In conclusion, there is a difference when you want to choose a used domain name or still new. Nevertheless I suggest you use a domain name that is new because it tends to be safer if the blog can be wifi various online money generating programs of any kind. However, if you feel happy with the name of the former domain then please buy it. It is obvious that in this case you know how to check your former or new domain name and know the consequences of buying that domain.

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