How to create a professional Blog for beginners

How to create a professional blog is not difficult. You don't need any programming skills to create a blog that attracts many visitors. However, make sure you know the theme and blog idea you want to create. Then specify the name of the matching blog and represent the content of your blog. Professional blogs will definitely use TLD domains such as. COM, .NET,. ID and so on because it affects blog branding and visitor confidence. With CMS WordPress, beginners can create blogs, manage blogs, beautify blogs, optimize blogs, and secure blogs more easily.

How to create a Blog – Hi DomaiNesians! Ever heard the word "blog" or website? Surely ever dong ya! Now this blog is already a community trend or lifestyle. Already many successful bloggers are profitable and popular in the media because of their writing on the blog. There are even some people who make bloggers the ultimate job. Well, actually what is a blog? What are the different blogs and websites? How do I create a blog to become a professional blog and many visitors? How to make a blog easy for beginners? Well, Times DomaiNesia will invite you to create a professional blog.

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What is a Blog?

A Blog is a website application that contains certain content. Quoted from Wikipedia, blogs or web logs are forms of Web applications that are in the form of writings or commonly called posts on a website page. This website or blog is usually accessible to all Internet users according to the topic and user purpose of the blog. The first time, the blog was popularized by a platform belonging to Pyra labsnamed blogger (dot) com.

Have you ever had a blog with Blogspot's ending? Well that's the beginning of the term "blog" publicly known. With the blog, you can write anything you want. You can share information, share personal experiences, recipes, tips and tricks and so on. Blog authors or commonly called "bloggers" will usually be easy to develop because it is supported by many local bloggers and the Internet.

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What are different blogs and websites?

Actually the same! This question often appears for beginners. I have a blog, does the blog can also be called website? Quoted from Merriam-Webster, according to the meaning of the word, the blog is a website that contents online content about the writing of personal experiences, videos, or images. And everyone can comment on anything posted. While the website is a page on the Internet that uses domain and hosting that has certain content (Wikipedia). So, the blog is part of the website. In terms of writing, the blog is more communicative and more interesting. While the website, depending on the type of website created.

Blog ideas you can choose from

Okay, now it's time to go to create a blog. But before, you should know what themes and blogs you want to create. There are many themes that you can choose for your blog. Among others:

Blog Tutorial

You can write tutorials of various things. For example, a tutorial on creating a website, tutorials How to create a blog, tutorials cooking vegetables Kangkung, tutorials replacing car tires and so on.

Blog Information

This Blog discusses information on various matters. You can choose specific information or global information about business, technology or automotive.

Blog Food and Traveling

For those who love the streets and the Kulineran, maybe this food and traveling blog is suitable for you.

Blog Product Reviews

Who likes to find information first before buying a product? Well, create a technological literacy or like to buy a certain product, you can create a product review blog. For example mobile product reviews, laptops, computers, automotive and so on.

Personal Blog

Create a lazy blog with a specific topic and theme, no problem. Create Personal blogs Only! You can write content as you want and chat. Already many artists are popular because it becomes a blogger for example Shitlicious, Benazio Kribo, and the...

Politics Blog

For those who like the political world, you can choose to create a political blog whose contents are about government regulations and forward views. However, do not create blogs with hoax content and spread hate yes.

Health Blog

For those who are in the world of health, sharing knowledge with others through blogs can also be chosen!

Fashion Blog

Are you really fashionable kids? Let's get tips and tricks as well as your latest fashion style through blogs.

Blog Parenting

Nowadays, parenting blogs are also much in demand. Many mothers are "Googling" on the net about tips and tricks on how to take care of children, tips to choose a good school and so on.

Blog Lifestyle

Well to keep up with the trend, blog lifestyle can be an option.

Research Blog

You can write a variety of research and experiments on something and so on.

How to create a Blog for beginners

How to create the easiest blog Yes in DomaiNesia! You can create a professional blog complete with domains, hosting and blogs. And we'll give you tips and tricks on how your blog can be in the first Google rankings. Well, want to know how to make a blog easiest? Please follow the steps below,

Defining Blog Ideas

Previously explained some blog ideas that you can use. Try now select one. What Blog you want to make. If you're still confused, you can customize it with your hobby, passion and the initial goal of creating a blog. For example, you love to cook. So a recipe-themed blog can be an option.

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Choosing a Blog Name

When the blog idea has been successfully determined, it is time to choose the blog name. Because who wants to be made is a professional blog, then the name of the blog is chosen also does not random ya. The name of the blog here will be used for branding and blog promotion. For professional blogs, you will not use the suffix * blogspot, * WordPress or * tumblr. You'll use a TLD domain such as. COM, .NET,. ORG,. ID or any other. Well the name of the blog you have prepared, will be combined with the domain extension TLD.

For example: the blog to be created is the cuisine blog. Then the name to be used by the mother (dot) com or receptiongood (dot) net or the other.

However, it seems that you should know what the domain is first.

Domain definition

Domain definition According to Wikipedia is a unique name given to identify the name of a computer server such as a Web server or email server on a computer or Internet network. Actually, the domain is a name. Yes, the domain is a unique name which is the address of a website. Domains can consist of a name and followed by a domain suffix or extension such as. com,. ID,., .net and many more.

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Have Hosting

Well, usually the domain will be related to hosting. For blogs that are still on blogspot, * wordpress, * Tumblr as it does not require hosting. Because user will loaned "place" by Blogspot, WordPress, or TUMBLR company. Indeed, hosting is not required, but the effect is that you have to use the suffix according to the company (eg * blogspot (dot) com, * wordpress (dot) com). You also can't do many things to make your blog professional. Here are some disadvantages of using blogs without hosting:

– Limited

– Difficult to develop

– Can not upload videos, pictures or any text as many

– Unable to upgrade hosting

– Unable to create personal email/corporate email with the blog name itself

Well, for that is required a hosting for your professional blog! Remember yes, DomaiNesia this time discussing about how to create a professional blog. A blog that can bombarr you. A blog that can bring money. And a blog that can make yourself or your company become famous.

What is Hosting?

Hosting is a medium to store data in the form of text, images or videos where it will be packaged in a form often called a website. Well like housing, hosting is a part of the land that has been dipetak-petak with a certain size that will be used as a place to construct buildings. The building was named website/blog. And the address of a website/blog is commonly called a domain. So, to make a professional website or blog required domain and hosting first. Some of the advantages of blogging using self domain and hosting:

– Can have email with own blog name


Your blog name: kicten (dot) com

Email Name: support @ kicten (dot) com

And so on

– Can upload your videos, pictures, text chat depending on the chosen hosting capacity

– Safer

– Can be done optimization to blog Traffik high

– Can be done SEO optimization so that the blog can be on the first page of Google

– Has many themes to choose from

– More Professionals

– How to make your blog easier

– Can be upgraded hosting to allow capacity for relief

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Quoted from Wikipedia, SEO is a series of systematic processes that aims to increase the volume and quality of traffic through a search engine to a particular website by utilizing the mechanism of action or Search engine algorithms. The purpose of SEO is to place a website in the top position, or at least the first page of search results based on specific keywords that are targeted. If your blog is on the first page of Google, then the opportunity to get visitors is enormous.

How to make a Blog on the first page of Google

Once your SEO sense is understood, it is time to know how to create a blog in order to be on the first page of Google. There are several influential factors such as:

  • Website speed
  • Mobile version Blog optimization
  • Quality content

For simplicity, you can install 5 SEO plugins in WordPress. You can enable W3 Total Cache to accelerate website access, using Yoast SEO to optimize article writing and so on.

For more clarity on how to create a blog has a lot of visitors, it can be read in the easy way to make the Blog appear on the first page of Google.

Make your Blog safe!

After beautifying your blog, optimizing your blog for high traffic, it's time to make your blog safe. This is the last step of how to create a professional blog. Safe from whom?

  • Safe from hackers who are trying to get into the blog.
  • Safe from malware.
  • Safe from malicious hackers
  • Safe from viruses
  • And so on

You don't need to hire a professional security analyst to secure the blog yes. There are a few easy things you can do. Like:

Use SSL on the website. There are many types of cheap SSL that you can use both paid and free!

Do not use the default username "Admin"

Using a Secure password

Install some security plugins such as All In One WP Security & Firewall or WordFence

Always do a WordPress update so if any security gaps can be immediately in the "Patch".


How? How to make a professional blog quite easy, right? Don't half-half yes if you want to create a blog. Make sure you choose the blog name along with the TLD domain suffix such as. COM, .NET,. ORG or others. Besides being more professional, your blog will be trusted by others. The more people trust your blog, the more visitors will come. 

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